Panel Magic II - 6 - Borders

Posted by Wanda Milankov on

Oh my goodness, we are nearly finished! Just the borders to go. (Pattern steps #31 to #36)

When adding borders it is very important to measure and cut accurately, and pin well. This ensures the quilt will be nice and square (and it keeps our long arm quilters very happy).

Measure  across the center of the quilt top vertically. The measurement should be very close to 61½”.


Our first border is of fabric E. It is a narrow one and in a dark accent colour so seam placement will not be too evident, so we don’t need to be too fussy.

Trim the selvages from all six 1½” strips. Now cut two of them in half.

Sew a half strip to the end of a full strip and repeat this to make a total of 4 border strips. Press seam allowances open.

Trim two of these border strips to the measurement determined earlier. Do you have a long tape measure?

Find the center of one border strip and mark it with a pin or fabric marker. Find the centers of the quilt top sides and mark. With right sides together, pin the ends of the border to a quilt top side. Now match the center marks and place your 3rd pin. Always working to the center of a space between pins, continue pinning and if necessary easing the fabrics together. The diagram shows the order in which the pins should be placed.


Sew the side borders onto the quilt top and press towards the border.

Measure the quilt top from side to side. It should be close to 53½”. Trim the remaining fabric E border strips to the measurement. Pin-pin-pin, sew the border strips to the top and bottom of the quilt. Press towards the new border.

*Fabric B 2” x width of fabric strips will be used for the second border and since it is wider we must be more aware of the seam placements. Trim all of the selvages and then sew 2 strips end to end. Repeat to make another set. Press seam allowances open. This seam allowance will be your center point of the side border. Measure and cut the borders to size. To the sides of the quilt, pin-pin-pin, sew and press.

Cut the 3 remaining fabric B 2” strips in half. Sew 3 of these strips end to the end. Repeat this to make a total of 2 border strips. Press seam allowances open. Mark the center point on each. Measure the quilt top from side to side. It should be close to 56½”. Trim the borders to this measurement and to the sides of the quilt, pin-pin-pin, sew and press.

One more border to go!

To add the third border, follow the same method we used for the second border*.

The quilt is ready for layering with batting, backing and to be quilted.


It’s time to clean up the sewing room and get ready for the next project.


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